Danny and the deep blue sea
"Director Peter Jensen presents a visceral production that cuts straight to the heart of the play...to find the genuine humanity at the core of these characters’ lives...this production is as satisfying as it is startling." ( ( read full review here ) New Orleans Times-Picayune Review
The Hot L Baltimore
"Luckily, Peter Jensen has directed an ensemble just as impressive. Though there are far too many to mention all in this review, there are certainly standouts." - Times Square Chronicles
The Pillowman
"Like a great painter, Peter Jensen directs this piece with just the right contrast of colors and emotion. Jensen finds the humanity, love, and mercy that co-exist in this deeply dark play" --Theatrethatmatters.com
"Under the expert direction of Peter Jensen and with an exquisite cast, I'm tempted to state that it could be the best evening of theatre this fall that I've seen. A production that does it as much justice as it was done on Broadway" --TheEasy.com
Director Jensen does fine work maintaining the play’s macabre tone and finding moments of poignancy amidst the laughs and gore. Many stories are told within the play, and those moments are always captivating thanks to the combination of Jensen’s direction and the skill of the performers... --Edge Media Network Read the full article here
Director Peter Jensen has gathered an amazing group of performers and delivered, for those fortunate enough to see it, an excellent interpretation. Corralling these actors and getting these performances from them is a testament to not only Jensen’s skill but also his intestinal fortitude. --Keith Higgons
Winner NYIT Best Production 2010 Read Backstage article about Award here
"The show is a visceral experience - astonishing in every detail and desperately authentic. Under Peter Jensen’s direction everything in this play reaches out to you" --The Happiest Medium
"Lanford Wilson's Balm in Gilead is superlative in every way. There's not a richer or more rewarding work of theatre anywhere in town right now. Jensen's realization of Wilson's profoundly human theme here is exquisite.The company he's assembled is without peer on any stage in NYC right now; these 29 actors inhabit their roles viscerally" --NYTheatre.com
"In T. Schreiber's deservedly extended off-off Broadway production, Caplis more than made the material her own - but she doesn't get there alone" --Showbusiness Weekly
I’ve never seen anything like Balm in Gilead before, in which a large cast is so well orchestrated to create a fully living theatrical piece. realness is what makes this play so intriguing; all of the characters are very much alive. The large cast and quality design create something that is truly special and unique to the New York theater scene. --Theatre is Easy
"What's finally wonderful about this revival of Fifth of July is how wrapped up with all these people we find ourselves: They're grand company and we are privileged to spend time with them" --NYTheatre.com
"The best production I have seen of Fifth of July in a very very long time" Lanford Wilson
Peter w playwright Lanford Wilson and actress Jamie Neumann
"Fifth of July is a perfect showcase for actors; under Peter Jensen's snappy direction, this talented cast finds ample opportunities to showcase its skill"
Read the full article here
"The play is beautifully directed by Peter Jensen" --NewYorkcool.com
"Peter Jensen's direction is strong and clear; there isn't a wasted moment here. Jensen knows how to showcase each of his four actors in order to highlight the inner struggle pushing against the outer pressure. Some of the best moments take place not in the dialogue so much as the glances exchanged between characters" --Thehappiestmedium.com
Peter w playwright Kenneth Lonergan and cast
"Peter Jensen, the co-artistic director at the T. Schreiber Studio, has done well with his actors, and particularly with Lonerghans neglected script, as solid as it is inspired. A virtual feast for actors, Lobby Hero deserves to be vastly better known" --Irishecho.com
Read the full article here
a brilliant work insightfully performed by outstanding actors. The standing ovation spoke for itself --Theatre Online
Peter w John Patrick Shanley and cast